10/8/24 - Major Hurricane Milton Headed To Florida

After weakening some last night due to an eye-wall replacement cycle, Milton has intensified once again and regained high-end Category 5 status with 165 mph winds. Upon approach to Florida on Wednesday, Milton is expected to interact with some upper-level wind shear and that should cause some slight weakening but not enough to knock it below major hurricane status. Milton’s wind field is also expected to double in size and damaging winds, life-threatening storm surge, and heavy rainfall will extend well outside the forecast cone. This is a very serious situation and residents in Florida should closely follow orders from their local emergency management officials. Evacuations and other preparations should be completed today. Milton has the potential to be one of the most destructive hurricanes on record for west-central Florida. please check the current storms tab > milton for all the latest graphics and advisories

We will have a new push alert update after the Wednesday 5 PM EDT NHC Advisory.

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